27% of married women are willing to cheat on their partners … with a woman!


It swings the summer in many cities all over Europe! Every year, Gay Pride events gather thousands of people to march in the name of freedom and equality for all. It’s an opportunity for Gleeden, the European leader in extramarital dating with over 3 million members, to take an interest in the sexuality of its registered members, more and more of whom are tempted to try the experience of a homosexual relationship. Fantasy, real desire or challenge? Here is the breakdown.


“Young married woman seeking women for passionate affair”

Since it was launched in December 2009, Gleeden, the first extramarital dating site designed by women has been a witness of a changing society. Members today are , but they are also increasingly likely to break down other barriers, like that of a homosexual relationship. In 2014, 15% of heterosexual female members declared that they were also interested in a homosexual affair when they registered. They are now 18%, or a 10% increase since the site was created in 2009!

A growing trend in male members too, although these are only a minority. Only 3% of heterosexuals reported being open to having a homosexual relationship in 2009, and today the site has 6%. These figures seem to be evolving with society and its perception of homosexuality. Men and women are turning their backs on taboos and seem willing to experiment.


Breaking from routine: the number one reason for homosexual extramarital relationships

But why should a heterosexual person move towards homosexuality when they take the step of infidelity? To understand more, Gleeden surveyed nearly 6000 members*. Among the fairer sex, more than three quarters of women surveyed (76%) say they want to break the routine and spice up their daily routine by heading towards a homosexual affair. For others, it’s the desire to violate a predominant taboo (71%). Some women will also see the opportunity to realize a fantasy buried for too long, as 67% of women surveyed said. Finally, more than half of them (52%) admit to having a real desire for people of the same sex.


More and more men are willing to recognise and explore their desire for other men

Among male members who wish to experience a homosexual relationship, the desire to spice up the daily routine also prevails for 61% of male respondents. They are less likely than women to evoke the desire to break free of social conventions (49%) or live out a fantasy (47%). However, there are more of them who express a real desire for people of the same sex (62%).


Is infidelity more easily forgivable with someone of the same sex? 

According to an IPSOS survey conducted in 2014 for Gleeden, a one night stand would be forgivable for 44% of men in the case of a homosexual relationship. It would only be forgivable for 40% of them in the case of a heterosexual relationship.
The same tendency among women: 22% of them would forgive a homosexual one-night stand while only 15% of them would be so forgiving with a heterosexual relationship.

No wonder then, that Gleeden members are more likely to indulge in a relationship with someone of the same sex!


A homosexual affair? Why not?

Finally, Gleeden members interviewed members who declared that they were only seeking a heterosexual relationship on registration. More than one quarter of women asked (27%) have admitted that they could even so be tempted by an affair with another woman. For men, however, only 8% said they could one day experience a homosexual relationship.


*Gleeden.com online survey conducted on 3 561 men and 3 448 women who stated seeking a homosexual affair.
**Gleeden.com survey conducted among 1478 women and 1511 men among members who did not report being in search of a homosexual affair.

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